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Corona live update Pakistan=32,979 Deaths 733 = Recovered= 8,812 Sindh 12,610 = Punjab 11,868 = Balochistan 2,158 = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5,021 = Islamabad 759 = Gilgit-Baltistan 475 Azad Kashmir 88 for latest news

51 Pakistanis arrived in Karachi from Colombo on a special flight of Lincoln Airlines

A special flight of SriLankan Airlines took 51 Pakistanis from Colombo to Karachi.

SriLankan Airlines special flight UL 1185 carrying Pakistani passengers from Sindh and Punjab landed 51 passengers from Karachi at Jinnah International Airport.

According to airport sources, this special flight from Karachi then left for Lahore in which no passenger boarded from Karachi airport and Lahore passengers remained inside the plane.

Passengers arriving in Karachi were screened for corona virus and medically examined, after which they were transferred from the airport to quarantine centers where they will be monitored for at least 48 hours.

Passengers bearing the cost of accommodation and meals will be transferred to a private hotel near the airport.


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