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For the first time in history, arguments will be heard by telephone in the US Supreme Court

For the first time in history, the US Supreme Court has decided to hear arguments by telephone.

According to a foreign news agency, the US Supreme Court has decided to listen to the arguments
over the telephone in view of the Corona epidemic.

The US Supreme Court will begin hearing cases by telephone from today and the court will hear only 10 cases a week, thus adopting a seniority role during the hearing.
Judges will ask questions in terms of seniority, with Chief Justice John Roberts first and Justice Brett Kanov speaking at the end, while the elders playing five minutes before and during the judges' arrival will also remain silent.

Lawyers will receive a call at 9:30 a.m. local time, 30 minutes before the start of arguments, and a court order will be read at 10 a.m.

It should be noted that this will be the second time since the inauguration of the US Supreme Court building in 1935 that judges will meet outside the court.

Earlier, in 2001, the courtroom was temporarily relocated after anthrax was found in the mailroom.


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