During its first-quarter earnings call on Thursday, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Brian Olsawsk said Amazon has seen the biggest impact of the Covid-19 spread over its business in India internationally. The American e-commerce giant, which has a strong presence in the country, is facing a difficult time due to this national lock down, which has temporarily contracted its business with essential items such as home groceries. The outbreak of the corona virus has also affected shipments to Amazon and other online markets across the country.
"I think the biggest impact internationally has been in India, where obviously we, like other Indian companies, are now only supplying our essentials like groceries," said Brian Olsowski on the difference in attitude. Answering a question. Amazon has been spotted globally due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
So it has greatly reduced our offer, and we will increase it when the Indian government announces that we are allowed to resume work. So we are in India to some extent except grocery.
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» Amazon says the corona virus has had the biggest impact on its global business in India
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