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US court rejects women's footballers' request for equal pay

A U.S. court has ruled that a women's soccer team's request for compensation equal to that of male footballers is inadmissible.

Twenty-eight members of the US national women's soccer team filed a lawsuit against the US Soccer Federation last year.

In their petition, the women footballers demanded that they be compensated on an equal footing with the male footballers and be paid  million.
The court rejected the application for compensation, while accepting the application for alleged misconduct, travel, medical and accommodation expenses.

 In its ruling, the court said the women's team was paid an average of more money per game than the men.

A spokeswoman for the women's team expressed frustration with the court's decision and announced it would challenge it.

The United States is currently the world champion in women's football and has won four of the eight world championships so far. In addition, its team has won five Olympic gold medals.

"We will continue to fight for our equality," said Megan Repino, a striker for the US women's soccer team and winner of the Golden Boot and Golden Ball awards at the last World Cup 2019.


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