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Corona live update Pakistan=32,979 Deaths 733 = Recovered= 8,812 Sindh 12,610 = Punjab 11,868 = Balochistan 2,158 = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5,021 = Islamabad 759 = Gilgit-Baltistan 475 Azad Kashmir 88 for latest news

The lock down has to be opened slowly to restore jobs, says PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the lock down has to be opened gradually to restore employment. The daily wage earners and the lower class have been most affected by the lock down.

Addressing the volunteers of Corona Tiger Relief Force, the Prime Minister said that if the SOPs were not implemented after the end of the lock down, Corona would spread again.

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that our country was already in trouble, at the time of Shaukat Khanum Hospital did not understand how I would collect so much money.

He said that the lock down has to be opened slowly, a lot of people have lost their jobs due to the lock down, people did not follow the SOPs, Tokorona will spread rapidly, then they will have to go for lock down.

The Prime Minister said that at the time of funding of Shaukat Khanum Hospital, someone had advised the students to join them. Tiger Force is a voluntary force, it will not raise money, Tiger Force will not get salary, Tiger Force local administration Will work together.

Imran Khan said that the volunteers of Tiger Force should register the people who are unemployed due to lockdown, see the Tiger Force stockpiling anywhere, do not take action themselves, inform the administration.

The Prime Minister said that we have to register the unemployed people, the volunteers of the Tiger Force will lead the way to register the unemployed people.


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