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Corona live update Pakistan=32,979 Deaths 733 = Recovered= 8,812 Sindh 12,610 = Punjab 11,868 = Balochistan 2,158 = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5,021 = Islamabad 759 = Gilgit-Baltistan 475 Azad Kashmir 88 for latest news

United States approves stem cell therapy clinical trial for corona

Research and work on various vaccines and other treatments for the treatment of corona virus is underway in many countries around the world. In this regard, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved a clinical trial of stem cell therapy for the treatment of Corona patients.

American biotech company has obtained stem cells from human placenta. Initially, stem cell therapy will be tried on 86 patients battling corona.

Meanwhile, UAE officials have also announced progress in a new discovery for the treatment of corona virus victims.

UAE officials say an investigation is under way at the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Center. With the new treatment, 73 patients have fully recovered.



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