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Corona live update Pakistan=32,979 Deaths 733 = Recovered= 8,812 Sindh 12,610 = Punjab 11,868 = Balochistan 2,158 = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5,021 = Islamabad 759 = Gilgit-Baltistan 475 Azad Kashmir 88 for latest news

The risks will remain until the corona vaccine is ready, the World Health Organization said

The World Health Organization says some countries are now moving towards a normal life against the corona virus, but the risks remain until the vaccine is ready.

Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization's Emergency Program, said in an interview in Geneva that some countries are still affected by corona, while others have begun to show that the virus can be controlled to some extent.

He added that the situation at the global level is still very difficult. We are seeing that it is possible to overcome the corona virus and start life as before. The corona virus differs in different countries.

According to foreign media, the corona virus has so far killed more than 247,000 people worldwide, while the number of infected people is more than 3.5 million.



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