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Corona live update Pakistan=32,979 Deaths 733 = Recovered= 8,812 Sindh 12,610 = Punjab 11,868 = Balochistan 2,158 = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5,021 = Islamabad 759 = Gilgit-Baltistan 475 Azad Kashmir 88 for latest news

The Burj Khalifa has become the world's tallest donation box

Dubai's Burj Khalifa has become the world's tallest donation box, the world's tallest building will now be illuminated by aid to the needy.

One of the 1.2 million lights in the 828-meter-high building will be lit at a donation of 10 dirhams, and the Burj Khalifa will be lit up as soon as aid arrives.

A total of 176,000 lights have been lit so far in response to a donation appeal by the Dubai government to meet the food and grocery needs of millions of people infected with the corona virus in the United Arab Emirates.


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